Contact and booking an appointment

Contact and book an appointment

You can see me for a consultation at The Oaks Hospital, Colchester.

My clinic runs on Monday and Wednesday evening and Tuesday morning. It may be possible to arrange other times if necessary.

To book a private appointment, please contact my secretary Claire Osborne:

Telephone 07384 460 730

You can also book or amend an appointment with me by choosing the outpatient booking department option when you ring the Oaks main switchboard on 01206 752121.

They are open 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday and Saturday morning.

The outpatient department can also arrange urgent appointments with me at short notice.

If you need to book or amend an x-ray, CT or echocardiogram appointment at the Oaks, you can contact the radiology department directly on 01206 753 227.

The Oaks Hospital (Ramsay Healthcare)

120 Mile End Rd, Colchester, Essex, CO4 5XR
Tel: 01206 752121


It is standard practice to see patients with a referral letter from their GP. If the problem is urgent, a letter is not always necessary. Be aware that some insurers insist on a referral letter. Please consult with your insurer beforehand and obtain any pre-authorisation necessary for a clinic visit and any routine tests. The insurer will usually give you a “pre-authorisation code” for the clinic appointment and certain pre-defined tests. It is common for you to have an ECG during your initial consultation. Self-pay patients are also welcome — please contact Claire to discuss.

If you are an inpatient at Colchester Hospital and wish to discuss “going private”, please ask the doctor looking after you to contact me directly.

If you have recently been an inpatient at Colchester or Ipswich Hospital, have had tests there, or had blood tests by your GP, please let my secretary know. I can retrieve this information prior to your consultation.


You need to arrange NHS appointments through your GP. While your GP may request an appointment with me, the NHS system cannot guarantee I will see you.

If you need to rearrange an NHS appointment, please call the number on your appointment card.

For other NHS queries, please contact my NHS Secretary on 01206 742626